WELCOME These pages are devoted to an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for Nissan cars based on the SR20DE engine. Specifically, the Sentra SE-R, NX2000, 200SX SE-R, Infiniti G20, Pulsar SSS, and Sunny GTI-R. On these pages you'll find frequently asked questions (or questions asked at least once) by members of the SE-R mailing list. Following each question will be answers (quoted or edited) provided by the members of the list. As new questions and/or comments appear on the mailing list, they will be added to this page. As always, credit is given to the respondents. I hope you find this page informative and easy to use. If you have any knowledge or expertise you'd like to share please send me email (r...@umich.edu). If you have any comments, suggestions, or flames about anything here, please let me know. Thanks! DISCLAIMER I claim not even the slightest responsibility for any ill effects you may experience because you took advice found within these pages; even if it's because of some editorial mistake on my part. I try my best to preserve the essence of the response while removing extraneous comments. Needless to say, I don't get paid for this. If there is a glaring error, please notify me. You may also find that some of the responses given to a specific question contradict one another. This just indicates that different people have different experiences and opinions. Clarifications can be had by posting to the mailing list, or posting directly to the respondants. OTHER SE-R PAGES
KUDOS I started this building this page in earnest around August 1995. But I had very little information to put on the page. Then Gary Mahan (g...@venus.ssd.loral.com), Chinnappa Ganapathy (g...@qualcomm.com), and Merlin Johnson (d...@connectnet.com) came to the rescue by supplying almost four years (1992-1995) worth of archived posts with which to give the FAQ the jump-start it so desperately needed. (The only problem is that it'll take me months to parse 6000+ posts.) Thanks guys. 12.17.96: Big thanks John Tong (m...@popd.ix.netcom.com) for sending me a scan of an awesome cutaway graphic of the SR20DE that is now gracing the background of this page.
The SE-R FAQ |